Ipx statistics interface – 3Com 3500 User Manual

Page 655

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ipx statistics interface






ipx statistics interface

For CoreBuilder 9000: Applies to Layer 3 switching modules only.

Displays IPX interface statistics.

Valid Minimum Abbreviation

ipx st i

Fields in the IPX Interface Statistics Display



Addr Errors

Number of IPX packets that were dropped due to IPX address
errors in the network layer header


Number of IPX packets that were forwarded

Fwd Discards

Number of IPX packets to be forwarded that were not

Fwd Received

Number of IPX packets that were received to be forwarded

Fwd Transmitted

Number of IPX forwarded packets that were successfully

Hdr Errors

Number of IPX packets that were dropped due to IPX Network
layer header errors

Hop Count Errors

Number of IPX packets that were dropped due to exceeded
maximum transport control

Host In Discards

Number of IPX packets that were received for the IPX host's
RIP and SAP applications that were dropped

Host Rx

Number of IPX packets that were received for the IPX host's
RIP and SAP applications

Host Tx

Number of IPX packets that were transmitted from the IPX
host’s RIP and SAP applications

Host Tx Discards

Number of IPX packets from the IPX host's RIP and SAP
applications that were dropped on transmission


Index number that is assigned to the IPX interface

NetBIOS Max Hops

Number of IPX NetBIOS packets that exceeded the transport
control maximum


Number of IPX NetBIOS packets that were received


Number of IPX NetBIOS packets that were transmitted

No Routes

Number of IPX packets that were dropped because the IPX
route is unknown

Total Received

Number of IPX packets that were received

Tx Discards

Number of IPX packets that were forwarded but not
successfully transmitted

Tx MTU Exceeded

Number of IPX packets that were forwarded but dropped
because the MTU was exceeded