Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions Omni Switch/Router User Manual
Page 928

Managing Frame Relay Services
Page 29-56
An overview of each type of service and how each operates in a Frame Relay environment
can be found earlier in this chapter in the following sections:
• Bridging
See Bridging Services on page 29-14.
• Routing
See Frame Relay IP Routing on page 29-15 and
Frame Relay IPX Routing on page 29-18.
• Trunking
The decision to set up one service over another is determined by your network configuration
and amount of traffic. In general, you can follow these guidelines:
1. If all your Frame Relay connections are through Omni Switch/Routers, then Trunking is
probably the best choice. Trunking is normally set up exclusively for a virtual circuit. No
bridging or Routing service needs to be configured on the same virtual circuit where a
Trunking service has already been set up.
2. If interoperability is important, then Bridging or Routing is a good choice. In an environ-
ment where broadcast traffic is low and high CIRs are deployed, Bridging is a simpler and
better choice. In environments with higher broadcast traffic and lower CIRs, Routing is a
good solution. However, if you choose to set up a Routing service in an environment with
different types of routers, all must support RFC 1490 encapsulation.
3. Bridging and routing services may share a virtual circuit.
The following sections describe how to configure each service type and then how to modify,
view, and delete your Frame Relay services.