Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions Omni Switch/Router User Manual

Page 797

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Viewing IPX Statistics

Page 27-9

IPX Output Statistics

pkts sent:

The number of packets forwarded (not including fast path routed packets).

pkts generated locally:

The number of packets forwarded that were generated by local IPX

applications (RIP and SAP).

pkts discarded:

The number of discarded packets.

pkts with no route found:

The number of packets that could not be forwarded because a

route to the destination IPX network could not be found.

Stats for IPX Router Interface


State of the IPX router for this interface (ON or OFF).


Status of the interface (UP or DOWN).


The type of interface (BROADCAST or POINT-TO-POINT).

rtr encapsulation:

Router port encapsulation used for this interface (EN=Ethernet,

FD=FDDI, TR=Token Ring).

state changes:

The number of state changes that have occurred on this interface (up to

down, down to up).



The number of RIP packets sent.


The number of RIP packets received.

update interval:

The RIP update timer interval for this interface. If a WAN interface is

configured as a Triggered RIP/SAP interface, this field will contain the word “triggered.”
Triggered interfaces transmit information only once, when the change occurs.



The number of SAP packets sent.


The number of SAP packets received.

update interval:

The SAP update timer interval for this interface. If a WAN interface is

configured as a Triggered RIP/SAP interface, this field will contain the word “triggered.”
Triggered interfaces transmit information only once, when the change occurs.