Snmp standard traps, Snmp standard traps -15 – Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions Omni Switch/Router User Manual
Page 335

Trap Tables
Page 13-15
SNMP Standard Traps
This section lists the standard traps that are defined within
) documents. These traps
signify events as they occur on common network devices. The following information on traps
is provided in the tables.
The object name of the trap as it is defined in the corresponding MIB (Management
Information Base). Alcatel supports standardized and proprietary MIBS.
Object ID.
The SNMP object identifier (OID) for this trap.
A brief explanation describing the circumstances under which a specific trap is
Bit Position.
The trap’s specific position in a bit mask (a bit mask is a binary notation which
represents a combination of all four trap words). By mapping a specific trap to its binary posi-
tion, you can determine whether or not a trap is enabled. For example, a trap is enabled if its
corresponding bit is set to 1 and disabled if its corresponding bit is set to 0.
A word is a set of four consecutive bytes within a system’s memory. Alcatel allocates a
total of four words for trap representation. Each of the 32 bit positions within a word corre-
sponds to a specific trap. The first word, Word 0, contains only standard traps as they are
defined within RFC (MIB) documents. Words 1, 2, and 3 contain Alcatel-specific traps.
Hex Value.
The resulting hexadecimal value of the bit mask.
Trap Text and Variable Description.
Trap text is a brief statement containing additional informa-
tion that can help you narrow down the source of the trap, such as slot/port numbers,
module types, and MAC addresses (variable descriptions have been added for your conve-
nience). When a specific trap is triggered, it may display in various text formats, depending
on the software application through which it is viewed. The trap text in the following tables
are examples of trap text displayed through the HP OpenView Alarm Log and the Traps
window in X-Vision Discovery. For more information on X-Vision, see the on-line documenta-
tion included with the application.
Object ID
The sending protocol entity is re-initializing itself such that the agent’s
configuration or the protocol entity implementation may be altered.
Bit Position
(Word 0)
Hex Value
(Word 0)
Trap Text
Cold Start