Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions Omni Switch/Router User Manual

Page 895

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Setting Configuration Parameters

Page 29-23

A screen similar to the following displays:

Modifying Frame Relay port for Slot 2, Port 1.

1) Description....................................…………………………....... =

{Enter Up to 30 Characters}

2) Administrative Status ……………………………………..……….. = Up

{(U)p, (D)own}

3) DLCMI Type ………………………………………………………….. = ANSI T1.617 Annex D

{(L)MI Rev. 1.0, T1.617 Annex (D), Q.933 Annex (A), (N)one }
31) LMI Procedure Type ................................................ = Bidirectional

{ (B)idirectional, (U)ser, (N)etwork }

4) Polling Interval T391/nT1 ……………………………………….... = 10

{1 through 255 seconds}
41) Poll Verification Interval T392 (seconds). ................ = 15
{1 through 255 seconds}

5) Full Status Interval N391/nN1 …………………………….….….. = 6

{1 through 10}

6) Error Threshold N392/nN2 ……………………………………….. = 3

{1 through 10}
61) Network Error Threshold N392 ................................ = 3
{1 through 10}

7) Monitored Events Counter N393/nN3 ……………...………….. = 4

{1 through 10}
71) Network Monitored Events Counter N393 ............... = 4
{1 through 10}

8) Default Bridging Group……………………………..……........….. = 1


9) Default Frame Relay Bridging Mode…………………...…....….. = Bridge All

{1=Bridge All, 2=Ethernet only,

(AN) Bridge All No FCS, (EN) Ethernet Only No FCS}

10) Default Routing Group…………………………...…………....….. = 0


11) Default Compression Admin Status ...................................... = Enabled

{(E)nable, (D)isable}

12) Default Compression PRetry Time ....................................... = 3


13) Default Compression PRetry Count ...................................... = 10


To change a value, enter the corresponding number, an '=', and the new
value. For example to set a new description, use
: 2=My new Description
To clear an entry specify the value as '.' as in
: 2=.
When complete enter "save" to save all changes, or cancel or Ctrl-C to
cancel all changes. Enter ? to view the new configuration.
