1 electrodes, Electrode axis c, Determining the electrode data – HEIDENHAIN TNC 406 User Manual
Page 93: 1 electr odes 5.1 electrodes

5 Programming: Tools
5.1 Electr
5.1 Electrodes
Each electrode is identified by a number.
The electrode data, consisting of the
Length L
Radius R
are assigned to the electrode number.
The electrode data are entered into the program with the TOOL DEF
The TNC takes the electrode length and radius into account when the
electrode is called by its number.
If you are working with standard electrodes you can also define all the
electrode data in a separate program.
In the part program you then call the program containing the electrode
definitions with the PGM CALL command.
Electrode axis C
You can define the C axis as the electrode axis.
The TNC then operates as if the Z axis were the electrode axis. This
also holds for radius compensation and for the ROTATION cycle.
Determining the electrode data
Electrode number
Each electrode is assigned a number from 0 to 99 999 999.
Electrode number 0 is defined as having length L = 0 and radius R = 0
when the electrode data are entered into the program.
Electrode radius R
The radius of the electrode is entered directly.
Electrode length L
The compensation value for the electrode length is defined
as a length difference between the electrode and a zero electrode,
with a tool presetter.
If electrode lengths are determined with a tool presetter they should
be entered directly into the electrode definition (TOOL DEF block)
without further conversions.