Elecraft K2 Owner's Manual User Manual

Page 69

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Install the following 1/4-watt resistors, starting with R46 which is

just to the left of I/O controller U1.

__ R46, 270 (RED-VIO-BRN)

 __ R45, 47 (YEL-VIO-BLK)

__ R59, 4.7 k (YEL-VIO-RED)

__ R61, 120 (BRN-RED-BRN)

__ R49, 120 (BRN-RED-BRN)

__ R40, 470 (YEL-VIO-BRN)

__ R41, 560 (GRN-BLU-BRN)

__ R55, 33 (ORG-ORG-BLK)

__ R53, 4.7 ohms (YEL-VIO-GLD)

__ R56, 33 (ORG-ORG-BLK)
__ R54, 4.7 ohms (YEL-VIO-GLD)

__ R60, 100 ohms (BRN-BLK-BRN)
__ R62, 2.7 k (RED-VIO-RED)
__ R67, 1.5 k, 1% (BRN-GRN-BLK-BRN)
__ R68, 226 ohms, 1% (RED-RED-BLU-BLK)


The 150 pF and 3.3 pF capacitors to be installed below may

be hard to identify. See capacitor information on page 9.

Install the capacitors listed below. C12 is near the back left

corner. Note: C13 and C14 will not be installed; they are included
with the 160 m/RX Antenna option (K160RX).

__ C12, 560 (561)

__ C11, 1800 (182)

 __ C26, .001 (102)

__ C16, 1800 (182)

__ C15, 560 (561)

__ C22, 3.3 pF (3.3)

__ C20, 47 (47)

__ C19, 330 (331)

__ C30, 470 (471)

__ C24, 47 (47)

__ C25, 330 (331)

__ C35, 56 (56)

__ C37, .001 (102)

__ C36, 470 (471)

__ C33, 2.2 pF (2.2)

__ C49, .001 (102)

__ C31, 56 (56)

__ C42, 330 (331)

__ C43, 33 (33)

__ C48, 330 (331)

__ C47, 33 (33)

__ C45, 1 pF (1)

__ C115, .01 (103)

__ C117, .047 (473)

__ C118, .01 (103)

__ C116, 33 (33)

__ C121, 0.01 (103)

__ C120, .01 (103)

__ C131, 0.1 (104)

__ C124, 0.1 (104)

__ C130, 0.1 (104)

__ C128, 680 (681)

__ C129, .01 (103)

__ C127, 680 (681)

__ C191, 1800 (182)

__ C190, 1200 (122)

__ C197, 100 (101)

__ C198, 27 (27)

__ C210, 82 (82)

__ C211, 10 (10)

__ C218, 150 (151)

__ C219, 12 (12)

__ C138, .047 (473)

__ C222, 100 (101)

__ C221, 39 (39)

__ C220, 220 (221)

__ C214, 68 (68)

__ C213, 33 (33)

__ C212, 150 (151)

__ C203, 47 (47)

__ C199, 220 (221)

__ C200, 150 (151)

__ C202, 120 (121)

__ C201, 220 (221)

__ C192, 1200 (122)


There are two types of ceramic trimmer capacitors used in the

band-pass filters: 30 pF and 50 pF. These may look identical. They
will either be bagged separately, or the 50-pF trimmers will have a red

Install the trimmers listed below, starting with C21 near the back-

left corner. Orient the flat side of each trimmer capacitor with the flat
side of its component outline. This orientation is required to prevent
RF pickup during alignment.

__ C21, 50 pF

__ C23, 50 pF

__ C32, 30 pF

__ C34, 30 pF

__ C44, 30 pF

__ C46, 30 pF

Set all of the trimmer capacitors just installed to their mid-way

points (see Figure 6-23). Use a small flat-blade screwdriver.

Figure 6-23

Install L5, a 33 µH RF choke (ORG-ORG-BLK), near the back-

left corner.

Install the following transistors, which are located near the I/O

Controller (U1).

__ Q10, 2N7000

__ Q11, PN2222A

__ Q13, PN2222A