Elecraft K2ATOBKT User Manual
Elecraft Accessories communication

K 2
Rev. D, Jan. 13, 2004
This kit provides supplemental parts that can be used to build a revision A K2 as revision B. This applies if
you purchased your K2 as revision A but have not yet started construction.
We have also included in this kit the parts for the PLL Upgrade, a modification which was added as of K2
serial number 3446. This dramatically improves the K2's synthesizer temperature stability.
How To Build Your Revision A K2 as Revision B
1. Print or purchase the latest K2 Owner's Manual (revision F or later). If you print your own from our web
site, be sure to also print the latest errata sheet. Alternatively, you can purchase a bound copy of the
manual, which will include the errata sheet.
NOTE: The manual that came with your revision A K2 kit can not be used to build the K2 at revision B.
2. In the new manual, make all of the corrections indicated on the new errata sheet. These changes must be
noted in your manual before you begin construction, or your K2 will not function correctly.
3. Locate and discard the serial number label that came with your K2. (The label can be found in the inside
back of the original manual that came with your K2 kit.) A new serial number, over 4000, is included in
this revision B components kit. This will permanently identify your K2 as revision B. (We have already
noted this as your new serial number in our records.)
4. In addition to the new manual, you'll need new firmware (revision 2.04 or later). When you order the
latest K2 firmware, you'll receive both a new main microcontroller (Control board, U6, PIC18C452) and
the I/O controller (RF board, U1, PIC16F872).
5. Locate the old programmed main microcontroller (PIC18C452) in the Control board bag, and remove it.
Also locate the old I/O controller (PIC16F872, in the RF board bag). You will not need these, but you
may wish to save them as backups. In any case they should be stored so you won't accidentally install
them rather than the new firmware.
6. Locate the old resistor tapes for the RF board and Control board (E850071 and E850073) and save the
resistors for your parts collection. You will not need these, since new tapes for these boards are supplied
in the kit. But keep the original Front Panel board resistor tape (E850077).
7. Locate the four original printed circuit boards (revision A) that came with your K2 kit (Front Panel,
Control, RF, and switch-spacing tool). You will not need these, so store them somewhere to avoid
confusing them with the new PC board set (revision B) that comes with this kit.
NOTE: Since you won't be needing these revision A PC boards, we'd appreciate having you mail them
back to us. Builders do occasionally damage their boards, and we're low on revision A replacements.
You'll receive a $10 credit toward future purchases. If you return them to us, please use the same
packaging that we used to mail you the rev B boards and parts.
8. Do an inventory of all components in this kit (starts on next page).
9. Build the K2 using the new manual (rev F or later). The first step in this process is inventorying the entire
kit. When you come to items that are missing from the revision A K2 parts bags, look for them in the bag
supplied with this kit. No resistors should be missing, since we're providing you with the revision B
resistor tapes.
10. Keep any extra parts that were left over from the revision A K2.