Elecraft PX3 Owners Manual Errata User Manual
Elecraft Accessories communication

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P X 3 O W N E R ’ S M A N U A L E R R A T A
R e v . A 2 - 4 , N o v e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 4
M A K E T H E S E C H A N G E S T O Y O U R R E V A 2 M A N U A L
Items 10 and 11 (on page 2) refer to an assembly error
many builders have made. Be sure you mount the plastic bezel that covers the
display screen on the OUTSIDE of the enclosure as shown in Figure 30 on page 40.
1. Page 7, The Basics: The PWR switch is listed as a “tap” function, but you must hold it for almost 1/2
second to turn the PX3 on.
2. Page 9, PX3 Signal Cabling with KXPA100 Amplifier and KX3 to KXPA100 Adapter Cable:
Add the following note:
When used with the KXPA100 Amplifier connected as shown here, the PX3 RS232 data rate
must be set to 38400 baud (see menu entry RS232 on page 29).
3. Page 15, Basic Operation: At the top of the left column, add “These instructions assume your
PX3 has firmware revision 1.16 or later installed. See Firmware Upgrades on page 23 if you need
to install the current firmware.”
4. Page 22, Configuring the Power Switch: Delete the paragraph starting with “Pins 2 & 3:…”
Only configurations with pins 3 & 4 and pins 1 & 2 are applicable.
5. Page 26, Opposite Sideband Nulling: After completing the procedure you can save the new
settings using the Utility Program Save Configuration feature so it can be recalled easily should
you ever need to reset the PX3.
6. Page 28, Menu Functions: Add the following.
Entry Default
Text Menu
Tap the
knob to enter the menu and turn the knob to choose between
the following two options:
Txt Enb: Enables text decode of CW, RTTY or PSK31. Text will appear in the
lower part of the display (“Text Display” will appear in that space briefly when
TxtAuto: Automatically turns on text decode whenever the KX3 is in CW or Data
XV Gain
Calibrate the gain of the transceiving converters (transverters) used with the KX3
so the received signals reflect the actual signal strength. Stores separate values for
each transverter band.
XV Invert
Specify the tuning direction of the intermediate frequency bands used for
transceiving converters.
NOTE: Text display must be turned off if you use the KX3 Utility program in “Terminal” mode.