Introduction – Elecraft K2 Owner's Manual User Manual
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1. Introduction
The Elecraft K2 is a high-performance, synthesized, CW/SSB
transceiver that covers all HF bands. It is a true dual-purpose
transceiver, combining the operating features you’d expect in a
home-station rig with the small size and weight of a rugged,
go-anywhere portable.
The basic K2 operates on 80-10 meter CW, and provides over 10
watts of RF output. If you prefer a full-power station, you can
complete your K2 as a K2/100 at any time by adding the internal
100-watt final stage (KPA100 option). Assembly of the KPA100 is
covered in Appendix G, a separate manual supplied with the
KPA100 kit.
You can customize your K2 by choosing from a wide range of
additional options:
SSB adapter with optimized 7-pole crystal filter
Automatic antenna tuner (20 W internal or 150 W external)
160-m adapter with receive antenna switch
60-m adapter with low-level transverter interface
Computer control interface (RS232)
Noise blanker
Digital or analog audio filter, each with real-time clock
Internal 2.9-Ah rechargeable battery
Programmable band decoder
High-Performance VHF and UHF transverters
For a complete description of available options, see page 117. In
addition to the options, a companion enclosure the same size and
style as the K2 is available for those who wish to build their own
matching station accessories (model EC2).
The K2 is an intermediate-level kit, yet you’ll be pleasantly surprised at
how uncomplicated it is to build. All of the RF (radio-frequency)
circuitry is contained on a single board, while two plug-in modules
provide front panel and control functions. Wiring is minimal, unlike
traditional kits which depend on complex wiring harnesses.
A unique feature of the K2 is that it provides its own built-in test
equipment, including a digital voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, complete
RF probe, and frequency counter. These circuits are completed early in
assembly, so they're ready to be used when you begin construction and
alignment of the RF board. We also provide complete troubleshooting
and signal-tracing information.
In addition to this owner’s manual, you’ll find extensive support for the
K2 on our website,
. Among the available materials
are manual updates, application notes, photographs, and information on
new products. There’s also an e-mail forum; sign-up is available from
the web page. It’s a great way to seek advice from the K2’s designers
and your fellow builders, or to tell us about your first QSO using the K2.
We’d like to thank you for choosing the K2 transceiver, and hope it
meets your expectations for operation both at home and in the field.
Wayne Burdick, N6KR
Eric Swartz, WA6HHQ
Pre-Wound Toroids Available
You can obtain a set of pre-wound toroids for the K2 if you prefer not to
wind them yourself. Refer to our web site for details.