Elecraft KX3 Guide for Blind Operators User Manual
Elecraft Accessories communication

Rev E1, 6-15-2012
Applies to firmware revision 1.06
This document is intended to familiarize blind operators with basic operation of the Elecraft KX3.
Locations of controls and connectors are described. Control descriptions include the associated
audio Morse code characters and/or switch tones.
The user should also read the KX3 ownerʼs manual, which covers operation in detail. (A Braille
version of the ownerʼs manual is in progress.)
Note: At present, some controls may not include audio Morse feedback, making them difficult or
impossible to use without the display. Our goal is to eventually provide access to all KX3 functions
via the audio interface.
The KX3ʼs enclosure, not counting knobs, etc., is 1.7" high, 3.5" deep, and 7.4" wide. The
enclosure is made up of a top and bottom cover. The covers are held together by four thumb
screws at each of the four lower corners.
During normal operation, the KX3 is used in a trail-friendly orientation, nearly parallel to the
operating surface (table, etc.), but with its rear edge tilted upward. There are two tilt feet in the rear
that serve this purpose, in a manner similar to the rear tilt feet on a computer keyboard. To deploy
the tilt feet, loosen (but do nor remove) the two rear-most thumbscrews, fold down the feet
completely, then tighten the thumscrews again. Do not go beyond finger-tight as this may make the
thumb screws difficult to loosen later.
To gain access to the interior of the KX3 for changing batteries, all four thumb screws must be
loosened (but not removed). The top and bottom covers can then be separated. Note: The KX3 will
put out more power when running from an external supply. Batteries are recommended as a
backup, or when using the radio hand-held. If you use NiMH batteries, you can recharge them with
the optional KXBC3 battery charger/real-time clock module, reducing the need to periodically
change batteries.
The rear edge of the enclosure includes a heat sink, a thin plate about 7 x 1 inches that is secured
to the bottom cover. The heat sink may become quite warm to the touch when the KX3 is operated
at high power level or for extended key-down times.