Changing trace colors, A trace. see – Bio-Rad ChromLab™ Software User Manual

Page 208

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| Evaluating Results


| NGC Chromatography Systems and ChromLab Software

To rescale UV units individually for multiple or overlaid traces

Right-click a trace in the trace table or chromatogram and clear Lock UV scales
in the menu that appears.

All traces are unlocked and can be rescaled individually.

To lock UV units for multiple or overlaid traces

Right-click a trace in the trace table or chromatogram and select Lock UV
scales in the menu that appears.

To restore the default y-scale range

Right-click a trace in the trace table and select Restore Default Y Scale Range
in the menu that appears.

Changing Trace Colors

You can change trace color to increase print quality or to more clearly distinguish

one trace from another.

The default trace colors in the System Control window are identical to the default

colors shown in the Evaluation window. Each trace color denotes a type of default

trace. The trace colors are defined in the chromatogram legend.

Color changes you make in the System Control window to a run in progress or

before initiating a run are saved and appear when the run is opened in the

Evaluation window.

When you change the color of a trace in the Evaluation window, the color change

applies to the trace in the table, legend, and chromatogram. Color changes are

saved with the specific run in evaluation settings. They do not affect System Control

window settings or other runs.

To change the trace color


In the Runs/Traces tab, double-click a color cell in the table to open the Color


Select a color in the Color chooser and click OK to apply it to the trace.