Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual
Page 30
1. System overview
Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-DN-EN en 1209a
The configuration data contains the source and target
addresses of the data for the sender and receiver of the
Object model
Access to the data in DeviceNet occurs via objects. Every
DeviceNet participant has one or more objects of different
classes. An object is an instance of a class:
Standard classes describe (e.g.) basic properties, com-
munications behaviour, or the parameters of individual
channels of a participant.
Manufacturer-specific classes describe device-specific
properties or parameters.
Device profile
Device profiles define the minimum available objects and
communications functions for each device type. The MTR-DCI
conforms to the DeviceNet specification of the device profile
“Communication Adapter” (device type number 000Ch).
Predefined connection
For simple slave devices, predefined master-slave connec-
tions, so-called “Predefined Master/Slave Connection Set”,
can be used to simplify the transfer of I/O data between the
higher-level control system (master) and the decentralised
peripherals (slaves). The MTR-DCI-DN operates according to
the specification “Predefined connection set, Group 2 slave