Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual
Page 19

Contents and general safety instructions
Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-DN-EN en 1209a
Media Access Control IDentifier, see “Participant address”
Parameter number as per FHPP-FPC
Table 0/3: List of abbreviations
Mechanical component of a drive which converts the motor revolutions
into positioning movements of a work load. An axis (e.g. positioning servo
axis DMES-...) enables the work load to be mounted and guided and the
reference switch to be mounted.
Axis zero point (AZ)
Reference point of the software end positions and the project zero posi-
tion PZ. The axis zero point AZ is defined by a preset offset to the refer-
ence point REF.
Complete actuator, consisting of controller, motor, measuring system
and, if applicable, gear and axis
Operation mode
Is used in the following contexts:
Type of access: Record selection, direct task
Internal logical state of the controller: Position Profile Mode, Profile
Toque Mode, Homing Mode, ...
Contains power electronics + controller + positioning control, analyses
sensor signals, calculates movements and forces, and provides the motor
power supply via the power electronics.
Optical pulse generator (rotor position transducer on the motor shaft of
the MTR-DCI). The electric signals generated are sent to the controller,
which then calculates the position and speed on the basis of the signals
Festo Configuration Tool
Commissioning software with uniform project and data management for
all supported device types. The special requirements of a device type are
supported with the necessary descriptions and dialogues by means of
Festo Handling and Posi-
tioning Profile (FHPP)
Uniform field bus data profile for positioning controllers from Festo. Para-
meter values, control bytes, and status bytes required during operation
can be directly read and written via the FHPP object directory.
FHPP standard
Defines the sequence control as per the “Festo Handling und Positioning