Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual
Page 150

5. Commissioning
Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-DN-EN en 1209a
7. Direct task: Force mode
(requires status 1.3/2.3 and 4)
Once “ready to operate” is established and homing has been
carried out, a nominal value must be specified and the
system must be prepared for operation in Force mode.
Specify the nominal value in % of nominal motor
current. (Take account of friction influences of the
connected axis).
Prepare Force mode: set bit CDIR.B1 COM1, and set bit
CDIR.B5 XLIM depending on the desired level of stroke
Start the positioning task with CPOS.B1 START. The
start is confirmed with SPOS.B1 (Acknowledge start) as
long as CPOS.B1 (START) is set.
7.4 or 7.5
The corresponding status bits are set depending on
whether or not the nominal value is reached.
The positioning task is ended automatically when the
stroke limit or software end position is reached. The
system switches back to position control.
The positioning task can be stopped from the controller,
e. g. by means of STOP.
In Force mode, the nominal value can only be changed
after the last specification is reached (MC), by means of a
new start pulse edge.