Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual

Page 20

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Contents and general safety instructions


Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-DN-EN en 1209a



Festo Parameter
Channel (FPC)

Parameter access as per the “Festo Handling und Positioning Profile”


Human Machine Interface; on the MTR-DCI, this is the control panel with
LCD display and 4 operating buttons.

Homing mode

Operating mode in which homing is carried out.

Load voltage, logic

The load voltage supplies power to the power electronics of the con-
troller and thus to the motor. The logic voltage supplies power to the
evaluation and control logic of the controller.

Force mode
(Profile Torque Mode)

Operating mode for performing a direct positioning task with force con-
trol (open loop transmission control) by controlling the motor current.

Motor unit

Integrated unit consisting of a controller, motor, measuring system and, if
applicable, gears (e.g. motor unit type MTR-DCI)

Positioning mode
(Profile Position mode)

Operating mode for executing a traversing record or a direct positioning
task with position control (closed loop position control)

Project zero point (PZ)

Reference point for all positions in positioning tasks. The project zero
point PZ forms the basis for all absolute position specifications (e.g. in
the position set table or with direct control via the controller interface or
diagnostic interface). The PZ is defined by an adjustable offset to the axis
zero point.


Definition of the dimensional reference system of the axis

Homing method

Method for finding the homing point REF: via a reference switch inside
the possible traversing path or by overcurrent analysis when traversing
against a stop.

Homing point (REF)

The homing point (the “reference” point = REF) defines a known posi-
tion/orientation within the positioning path of the drive. It is the basic
point of reference for the dimensional reference system.

Reference switch

External sensor used for ascertaining the homing point; is directly con-
nected to the controller.

Homing run

A positioning process used to defined the homing point and therefore the
source of the dimensional reference system for the axis.