6 sequence control according to the fhpp standard, 1 homing – Festo Электромотор MTR-DCI User Manual

Page 153

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5. Commissioning


Festo P.BE-MTR-DCI-DN-EN en 1209a


Sequence control according to the FHPP standard



Information on homing, reference coordinates, working area,
and calculation rules for the reference system are provided in
chapter 1.6

After switching on, homing must be carried out before a posi-
tioning task can be executed (see parameter “Homing
Required”: FHPP PNU 1014 /CI 23F6h)

The drive homes to a stop or a reference switch. An increase
in the motor current with the drive shaft motionless indicates
that a stop has been reached. Since the drive must not per-
manently rest at the stop, it must move a minimum of
0.25 mm back into the stroke range (axis zero point offset).


1. Searching for the reference point in accordance with the

configured method.

2. Moving from the reference point to the axis zero point

(according to axis zero point offset AZ)

3. Setting at axis zero point:

Current position = 0 – project zero point offset PZ