Horner APG SmartStack I/O HE800PBS600/HEPBS600 User Manual
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Profibus Modules User Manual
EO 09-0009
If no option is selected and the OK button is pressed, nothing will be printed out. It is like clicking the
Cancel button.
11.5 DBM
Select the File > Export > DBM menu in order to save the previously saved project file (*.PB
Microsoft Access Format) in a DBM file (binary format). This DBM file can be retrieved in the DOS
Compro program. The configuration is stored in the Project directory in the path of the HSyCon
Installation with the extension *.DBM.
Attention: The file name can have max. 8 characters.
11.6 CSV
With the menu, File > Export > CSV the configuration data of the connected Slaves can be exported
into a table. The file must be saved before the export is executed. The exported file has the ending
.csv (comma separated value) and is put in the same directory as the configuration, but with the
ending *.csv.
The CSV file can be read with a table program e.g. Excel.
The CSV Export saves only the text and the values of the configured Slaves. The meaning of the
individual values can be shown in the table:
Parameter Meaning
Stationaddress The Stationaddress is the unique device address of the Slave on the bus.
The RecordType defines the version of the following structure and is always 2.
This number is the unique device number of the Slave.
VendorNumber The VendorNumber is the clear number of the vendor (if available).
Here the name of the vendor is shown (max. 32 characters).
Name of the device (max. 32 characters).
This is the description of the device, which is set by the user (max. 32 characters).
MasterAddress This is the number of the Master Address.
Contains information about the addressing mode and the storage format of the
process data (words, double words and floats) see section
Description of the Parameter Settings.
Number of the modules of the device. For each modul the parameters data type,
data size, data position and offsetaddress are given. It can be follow max 60
modules. The parameters for modul 1 are marked with ..._0 and of the modul 60
are marked with ..._59.
Number of bytes, which were used by the module.
The Data Type, which is used in the configuration. The codes for this you find
below this table in section
Description of the Parameter .
DataPosition_0 The byte Data Position, which is used in the configuration. The codes for this you
find below this table in section Description of the Parameter .
Offset Address in the Dual-port memory
See above.
See above.
DataPosition_59 See above.
See above.
Table 20: CSV Export - Meaning of the values