Horner APG SmartStack I/O User Manual

Smartstack, Modular i/o, Selection guide

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Modular I/O

Expandable, Stackable I/O System for OCS

Unlike conventional PLC I/O, SmartStack

I/O is not a rack-based design. SmartStack

I/O modules are snapped onto the Operator Control Station (OCS) or an off-mounted
base, and then stacked onto each other. They utilize a very small amount of panel
space for the number of I/O provided. SmartStack modules are encased in metal or
plastic housings and meet stringent noise, vibration, and shock standards. A maximum
of 4 modules can be stacked directly onto many OCS, and another 20 modules can be
added by using the fiber optic FOX I/O System. Several OCS models can have 20 or
more SmartStack modules using the FOX I/O System.

There are over 50 SmartStack I/O modules available.They include a variety of mixed
I/O modules offering a combination of inputs and outputs, digital and analog, and
specialty modules: High Speed Counter (1 MHz), Stepper Indexer, ASCII BASIC, and
AC Power Monitoring modules.You can select from a full complement of temperature
input modules (Thermocouple, RTD,Thermistor), and SmartStack communication
options include Ethernet TCP/IP, DeviceNet

Master and Slave, PROFIBUS

Master and Slave and CANopen Master.

Custom I/O configurations and modules are available at an added cost.

Many Ways to Expand

You have several ways to expand the number of SmartStack modules. Connecting a miniRCS via the CsCAN

port adds

one more SmartStack module; networking an RCS (Remote Control Station) controller allows you to add up to 4 more
SmartStack modules. If you use a FOX100 I/O Fiber Optic Expansion Module and the FOX I/O System, you can have up to
23 SmartStack modules (3 modules and the FOX100 mounted on the OCS plus 20 modules with the FOX I/O System).
When using NX and Color-Touchscreen OCS models, you may connect 5 bases and have up to 20 SmartStack modules.
Here is a summary of expansion options:

OCS Models

Max No. of SmartStack Modules

NX, RCS, OCS110, OCS210, and OCS250


NX, OCS110, OCS210, or OCS250
plus RCS connected to CsCAN network

4 per OCS plus 4 per RCS

NX and Color-Touchscreen OCS using FOX I/O System

20 to 23

OCS110, OCS210, OCS250, RCS116 or RCS250 with
FOX100 Expansion Module and FOX I/O System



SmartStack I/O

Selection Guide

SmartStack I/O modules are available with metal or plastic housings. Contact your local Horner sales associate or the
factory to learn which OCS models support SmartStack modules in plastic housings.



SmartStack Specialty Modules



AC Power-line Monitor. Supports connection to three CTs (5A) and three PTs (120Vac).
Provides a variety of Power data to the OCS/RCS.



ASCII BASIC coprocessor module. Module features 1 RS-232 and 1 RS-232/RS-485 port.
64K program/data memory. Features an interpreted BASIC. Module may be used for datalogging,
complex serial communications.



Stepper Indexer. Module generates trapezoidal motion profiles. For use with Stepper Motor Drives
compatible with 5V/TTL/Line Driver inputs. Supports step frequencies up to 245KHz. Supports
optional encoder feedback. Capable of Relative, Absolute, and Registration (Index) moves.



High Speed Counter/PWM. Module features 8 Digital Inputs (0/5/12/24vdc, poslogic) and 8 Digital
Outputs (5-30vdc, neg logic). 1 or 2 inputs may be used as High Speed Counters, and 1 or 2 outputs
may be used as PWM Outputs. Max Freq 1 MHz.



High Speed Counter/PWM. Module features 8 Digital Inputs (0/5/12/24vdc, poslogic) and 8 Digital
Outputs (5-30vdc, pos logic). 1 or 2 inputs may be used as High Speed Counters, and 1 or 2 outputs
may be used as PWM Outputs. Max Freq 1 MHz.



SmartStack Communication Modules


Not Available

Ethernet Interface Module. Support 100baseT,TCP/IP with Ethernet Global Data Protocol.



DeviceNet Master Module*



Enhanced DeviceNet Master Module*



PROFIBUS-DP Slave Module*



PROFIBUS-DP Master Module*

HE800COM650 HE-COM650

CANopen Master Module*

*Configurable using Cscape




Modular and
