Horner APG SmartStix Analog Programming Guide User Manual
Smartstix analog programming guide

This document covers Analog SmartStix I/O programming and configuration parameters.
SmartStix I/O is a family of low-cost Remote I/O devices that are designed to extend the I/O capabilities
of Control Station products, such as MiniOCS, OCS and RCS. SmartStix I/O Modules connect to
Control Station devices via the CsCAN Network and communicate using CsCAN Protocol.
Devices with CsCAN Network ports that are connected to each other for peer-to-peer communication are
called CsCAN Nodes. A device that is connected to a CsCAN Node’s programming port for master-slave
supervisory communication is called a CsCAN Host. For example, SmartStix I/O Modules and OCS
Control Stations are CsCAN Nodes while a PC running Cscape is a CsCAN Host.
SmartStix I/O Modules are devices that exchange data with Control Stations over the CsCAN Network
and control and monitor physical I/O points.
To control physical outputs, data is sent by a Control Station to the SmartStix I/O Module using CsCAN
Directed Data Messages. To monitor physical inputs, a Control Station receives data from the SmartStix
I/O Module using CsCAN Global Data Messages.
In addition to I/O control and monitoring, configuration and status data can be exchanged between a
Control Station and a SmartStix I/O Module.
For example, a Control Station can send configuration data to a SmartStix I/O Module to tell it how often
to expect output control data, and what to do if the Control Station stops sending output control data.
Also, a Control Station can receive status data from a SmartStix I/O Module indicating if it needs
configuration or if a fault has been detected.
All this is accomplished by using the PC-based Cscape
programming tool to program the Control Station.
Since the Control Station dynamically configures the SmartStix I/O Module, SmartStix I/O Modules can be
readily deployed without having to configure them first.
24 SEP 2003
SmartStix Analog
Programming Guide