Horner APG SmartStack I/O HE800PBS600/HEPBS600 User Manual
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Profibus Modules User Manual
EO 09-0009
Minimum Station Delay of Responders (min T
This is the shortest time period that must elapse before a remote recipient (Responder) may send an
acknowledgement of a received query telegram. The shortest time period between receipt of the last Bit
of a telegram to the sending of the first Bit of the following telegram.
Value range: 1 .. 65535
Maximum Station Delay of Responders (max T
This is the longest time period that must elapse before a Sender (Requestor) may send a further query
telegram. Greatest time period between receipt of the last Bit of a telegram to the sending of the first Bit
of the following telegram.
The Sender (Requestor, Master) must wait at least for this time period upon sending an unacknowledged
telegram (e.g. Broadcast only) before a new telegram is sent.
Value range: 1 .. 65535
Slot Time (T
'Wait for receipt' – monitoring time of the Senders (Requestor) of telegram for the acknowledgement of the
recipient (Responder). After expiration, a retry occurs in accordance with the value of 'Max. telegram
Value range: 52 .. 65535
Quiet Time (T
This is the time delay that occurs for modulators (Modulator-trip time) and Repeaters (Repeater-switch
time) for the change over from sending to receiving.
Value range: 0 .. 255
Setup Time (T
Minimum period “reaction time” between the receipt of an acknowledgement to the sending of a new
query telegram (Reaction) by the Sender (Requestor).
Value range: 1 .. 255
Target Rotation Time (T
Pre-set nominal Token cycling time within the Sender authorization (Token) will cycle around the ring.
How much time the Master still has available for sending data telegrams to the Slaves is dependent on
the difference between the nominal and the actual token cycling time.
Value range: 1 .. 16.777.215
GAP Update Factor (G)
Factor for determining after how many Token cycles an added participant is accepted into the Token ring.
After expiry of the time period G*T
, the Station searches to see whether a further participant wishes to
be accepted into the logical ring.
Value range: 1 .. 100
Max number of telegram retries (Max_Retry_Limit)
Maximum number of repeats in order to reach a Station.
Value range: 1 .. 8
Highest Station Address (HSA)
Station address of the highest active (Master) Station.
Value range: 2 .. 126
Further, there are:
Ready time (T
This is the time period, after the Master has sent out a query, during which it must be ready for the
respective acknowledgement or answer.