Costs, 4 costs – HP Access Control User Manual
Page 101
Lists all printed documents. This query provides detailed results concerning the page: color and duplex
pages, trays, and media used for printing. With this query, all documents are listed according to the cost
center executing the print spool. This query concerns the printed documents and helps with controlling
printing costs.
The query also allows generation or printed document characteristics: the printing launch date, the printer
driver, the document title, the total number of printed pages and sheets in duplex and color mode, the copy
number, the domain, the print job cost related to the print server, printer and the currency used, the job size
and media. You can refine your query by defining a document title (all documents whose title starts with a
specific string). By default, all print job characteristics are taken into account. Documents whose printing is
complex can be analyzed and the document cost as near as possible to its actual costs. Results are provided
in a table.
Total number of printed pages per printer queues grouped by user's cost centers
Provides the total number of pages printed by each cost center.
Total number of printed pages using user's cost centers grouped by users/ print queues
Lists total pages printed by each user’s cost centers, grouped by either users or print queues.
Total number of printed pages using printer's cost centers grouped by users/ print queues
Lists total pages printed by each printer’s cost centers, grouped by either users or print queues.
Job type summary using user’s cost centers grouped by cost centers, users, or printer queues
Provides summary of jobs using user’s cost centers; grouped by cost centers, users, or printer queues.
Job type summary using printer’s cost centers grouped by cost centers, users, printer queues, or printer
Provides summary of jobs using printer’s cost centers; grouped by cost centers, users, printer queues, or
printer models. Costs
This group of queries reports the printing costs of all jobs processed between two dates. The query results
are displayed in tables. The reports include the total number of jobs, their total size, the total number of
printed pages and sheets in duplex and color mode, the total costs, and the total printing time. You can also
compare the actual costs (the amount closest to the real costs) and the fixed costs that you define (this
allows you to include, for example, consumable expenditures and maintenance). You can also set a limit on
the printing time, the number of printed pages, and the printing costs. The HP Access Control (HP AC) Job
Accounting queries 93 limit types are: >, =, >=, < and <=. They are used to help you define the information
queried more accurately.
Section 11.2 HP Access Control (HP AC) Job Accounting queries