Brocade Virtual ADX Server Load Balancing Guide (Supporting ADX v03.1.00) User Manual
Page 89
Brocade Virtual ADX Server Load Balancing Guide
Multiple port binding
7. Bind the alias ports to the real servers on the virtual servers.
Virtual ADX(config-vs-vs2)#bind http rs1 8081 real-port 81 rs2 8082 real-port
Syntax: bind virtual-port real-server-name alias-port [real-port real-port-num]
Alias ports should be treated like regular ports and should have the same server ID and group ID.
Binding a real server port to multiple VIPs for port translation
You can bind a real server port to multiple VIP ports with or without port translation. Port
translation is useful in cases where different client groups require different VIPs.
The real-port option has been added to the existing port virtual subcommand.
Syntax: [no] port tcp/udp-port real-port real-server-port-to-use
This feature takes precedence over the no port port translate virtual subcommand.
In the following examples, notice that alias port 8081 is defined for binding between the real server
and virtual server. The alias port and the real-port work together.
To bind one real server port to multiple VIPs (vs1 and vs2), enter commands such as the following.
To bind one real server port to multiple virtual ports of one VIP, enter commands such as the
server real rs
port 8080
port 8080 l4-check-only
port 8081 <---- alias port
port 8081 l4-check-only
server virtual-name-or-ip vs1
port http
bind http rs 8080
server virtual-name-or-ip vs2
port http
port http real-port 8080
<---- use real port 8080 to do port translation
bind http rs 8081
<--- bind to alias port
server real rs
port 8080
port 8080 l4-check-only
port 8081 <---- alias port
port 8081 l4-check-only
server virtual-name-or-ip vs
port http
bind http rs 8080
port 81
port 81 real-port 8080
<---- use real port 8080 to do port translation
bind 81 rs 8081
<---- bind to alias port