About the domainconfig.xml file – Grass Valley iTX System v.2.6 User Manual
Page 64
Installing iTX software modules
You do not use the Locator Service Configuration tool to set up load-balanced Locator
Services. You usually configure such an arrangement during installation of the
software. If you want to modify the configuration, you use the Domain Configuration
About the DomainConfig.xml file
The DomainConfig.xml file contains a domain section for the Locator Service in the local
domain. The section has entries for the domain name, the address of the Locator Service, and
the address of any back-up Locator Service.
For example:
The domain-name entry identifies the iTX domain that includes the primary Locator Service; the
domainPrefix entry is not normally required by iTX.
For multiple back-up Locator Services, you can use comma-separated entries. For example:
The configuration file also contains an otherDomains section, with details for each remote
domain that the Locator Service is to be able to get information from for its clients. This section
should contain similar entries to those for the local domain; i.e. the domain name; the IP
addresses of primary and back-up Locator Services.
March 2015
System Administrator Guide
Page 64 of 404