Grass Valley iTX System v.2.6 User Manual
Page 353

Using Missing Materials Manager
Reports can be converted into any XML format to be compatible with third party traffic or
media management systems. This is carried out by means of an XSLT transform definition file in
the same way iTX converts BXF traffic information to iTXML.
The Report Transform File Name button opens a dialog for you to navigate to the appropriate
custom made transform file.
Below this is the Remove Namespaces on Transformed Reports toggle button, which you need
to select if your traffic system does not support spaces in filenames.
XSLT transform files may either be supplied by the traffic system vendor. If not, and you need
advice on how to create them contact iTX Support.
Set up regular reporting
In the Missing Materials Manager window, select the Engineering, Reporting tab.
Select Enabled Timed Reporting.
In the Report File Folder box, enter the path and name of a folder where Missing Materials
Manager is to put the report documents.
Check the entry in the Report File Base Name box; this shows the formula that Missing
Materials Manager is to use to create report names.
The default entry is: Missing Materials_{0}_{1:yyyyMMddhhmmss}.xml
A generic name is followed by two fields in curly brackets. In the first field, Missing
Materials Manager enters an indication of the report type (i.e. combined, named single
channel or single item); in the second, it enters date and time stamps.
You may change the generic name; but we recommend you do not edit the fields.
Specify the length of the interval between reports in the Report Interval box.
Select a report type in the Report Type box.
For reports made up of single-item documents, enter a value for the maximum number of
these that Missing Materials Manager may create per minute.
If you have an XSLT transform file, click the Report Transform File Name and browse to the
appropriate file.
If your traffic system does not support filenames that have spaces in them, toggle the
Remove Namespaces on Transformed Reports button below.
Click Save.
Missing Materials Manager restarts with the new configuration. At the specified intervals,
it creates reports in one or more XML documents and stores them in the specified folder.
Request an instant report
Check the settings (report base name, report type, etc.) for the report properties are
Click Create Report.
Missing Materials Manager immediately creates a report (in one or more XML documents)
and stores it in the specified folder.
An iTX Desktop component – the Missing Material Run Report button – can also be
used to request instant reports. You may add the component to an iTX Desktop layout.
March 2015
System Administrator Guide
Page 353 of 404