Create a central domain search list, More details, E 104 – Grass Valley iTX System v.2.6 User Manual
Page 104

Configuring a Media Watcher
You create the domain search list in the Selected Domains pane.
Create a central domain search list
Do the following if you want to add a domain to the domain search list.
Select the domain in the Available Domains pane.
Do the following if you want to remove a domain from the domain search list.
Select the domain in the Selected Domains pane.
Do the following if you want to re-order the domain search list.
Select a domain in the Selected Domains pane.
Click Move Down or Move Up.
In general, the local domain should appear first in the list.
If there is more than one Media Watcher in the local domain, you can create or modify
the central domain search list in any of them: each Media Watcher displays the list
under its Domains tab.
If the central configuration is not suitable for any particular channel, you may set up
the channel to use its own domain search list rather than the central one. You need to
create identical local domain search lists for playout and cache channels on the
Channel Configuration pop-up layout.
Configuring a Media Watcher to copy media files to an independent
back-up system
For back-up purposes, you may have a second complete iTX system running in parallel with the
main one. In this case you can use the Media Watcher in the main system to copy media files to
the back-up system, after it registers them in the main system.
There are then two options for selecting the mirror folders. Which one you select depends on
how the system enters the media-file records in the back-up System Database.
If there is no automatic synchronisation of the main and back-up System Databases,
you should specify the Inbox folder in the back-up system as the mirror file store.
Then, the Media Watcher in the back-up system registers the media files and moves
them to a Media folder.
If you use the SQL Server replication feature to synchronise the back-up System
Database with the main one, you should specify a Media folder (not the Inbox folder)
in the back-up system as the mirror file store. Then the Media Watcher in the back-up
system does not register the copied media files.
The Media Watcher does not run as a back-up service – in a parallel back-up system, it
runs as a primary service.
March 2015
System Administrator Guide
Page 104 of 404