Fpp installation, Media viewer options, Show/hide the volume-level meters – Grass Valley iTX System v.2.6 User Manual
Page 398
HDSDI/SDI Preview from an iTX Desktop
FPP installation
The feature requires version 1.4 of the FPP. This is not available as an option in the automatic
installation process controlled through the iTX installer. Instead, it is installed separately by
running an executable, FilePipelineInstaller-1.4.exe:
The executable is stored in the ITX Install\PostInstall subfolder of the iTX Suite installation
Right-click the executable and select Run as administrator from the displayed menu. The File
Processing Pipeline Setup Wizard opens. Respond to the prompts in the wizard dialogs to
perform the installation.
Media Viewer options
For the feature to work, two options need to be selected in the Media Viewer menu:
For the Media Viewer operating mode, the option to use the FPP Viewer should be selected in
the Player Mode box.
For the SDI Output Device setting, the video card reference number of ‘0’ should be selected if
there is only one HDSDI/SDI card in the workstation. (A different reference number may be
selected if there is more than one card installed.)
You can switch off the card output by selecting “None” for the SDI Output Device
Show/hide the volume-level meters
The volume-level meters are hidden when the Media Viewer first appears. To show the meters,
right-click the Media Viewer and select Audio Levels from the displayed menu. Repeat this
action when you want to hide the meters.
March 2015
System Administrator Guide
Page 398 of 404