System wide config – Grass Valley iTX System v.2.6 User Manual
Page 198

System Wide Config
System Wide Config
Unlike the Channel and Plug-ins configuration tabs, anything within the System Wide Config tab
applies across all channels. Therefore, the options within this tab should be used with caution.
Displaying drop frame time codes as non-drop frame time codes
The Show DF as non-DF button toggles the display and editing of drop frame time codes as
non-drop frame time codes. This can be seen on media durations and time of day timecode
fields, for the following event types:
Video Clips
Audio events
Music events
Live events
Segment events
Schedule events
GPI events
The modified media duration and time of day timecodes can be seen in the following areas:
TV Asset Layout
Preview Window
Asset Tab
Locations Tab
Radio Asset Layout
Preview Window
Asset Tab
March 2015
System Administrator Guide
Page 198 of 404