Grass Valley iTX System v.2.6 User Manual
Page 201

System Wide Config
Click Yes on the confirmation window. The Status for the Opus Service will change to
Double-click on the updated
Omnibus.OPUS.Service.exe – Shortcut
A new, stand-alone instance of the OPUS Service starts and reindexes all of the entries for
durations to match drop frame configuration in System Wide Config. The reindex may take
several minutes, depending on the size of your iTX database.
Once the reindex has completed, the stand-alone Opus Service should be stopped and the
instance under Server Controller restarted.
Switch to the stand-alone Opus Service. Click the close button in the top right corner.
The stand-alone Opus Service will close down.
Switch to the Server Controller window and select the Controlled Services tab.
Right click on the entry for the original Opus Service and choose Restart Service. A
confirmation window appears asking if you are sure you want to start the select service.
Click Yes on the confirmation window. After a few moments, the Status for the Opus
Service will change to
By ending the stand-alone Opus Service that performed the re-index and restarting the original
Opus Service running under the Server Controller, you ensure the service will continue to run
March 2015
System Administrator Guide
Page 201 of 404