Nielsen ratings panel (output server 1 only) – Grass Valley iTX System v.2.6 User Manual
Page 157

Configuring channels
Clips may already contain AFD data, so automatic insertion is not always necessary. Whether or
not iTX should insert AFD data is determined on a clip-by-clip basis.
This is determined by the setting of an insertion-mode property for each clip.
The insertion mode has two types:
Pass Through. iTX does not insert any AFD data, but transmits any such data that is
contained in the VANC in the media file. This state is only possible when iTX has
detected AFD data in the VANC.
Override. iTX erases any existing AFD VANC data when playing out the media file and
instead inserts AFD values that are defined in the asset record in the database or in a
schedule event.
An AFD value maps to a combination of two asset properties: Source Format and Active Region.
When a file is ingested, iTX may read the values of these properties from the file header and
include them in the asset record it creates in the System Database.
If the file does not contain values for these properties, iTX applies the values defined in the
template that is used to create the asset.
For each of these cases, the default AFD insertion mode is Override. An operator may modify
the AFD properties and insertion mode on the Asset layout.
Where iTX performs a deep analysis (currently possible on AVC-Intra and LXF files) it may detect
an actual AFD code within the video data stream. Again, it uses this information to set the
Source Format and Active Region values in the Asset record. But In this case, the default AFD
insertion mode is Pass Through, to indicate use of the code embedded in the actual data
Nielsen Ratings panel (Output Server 1 only)
You select Enable Nielsen if you want iTX to insert a Nielsen watermark (an inaudible cue tone)
in the audio stream of the channel output signal. In the US and Canada, the Nielsen watermark
is detected by devices that provide information for television audience measuring.
iTX 2 supports both version 2 (N2) and version 4 (NW) watermarking. You can insert either
format, or both simultaneously into the data stream.
This section is only available to channels running the Output Server 1 service. For
channels running Output Server 2 see the Output Server 2 Channel Configuration Guide.
Unlike N2 watermarking, NW processing does not support the overwriting of audio
codes that are present in the stream before the watermarking process begins. Instead,
the watermark engine leaves space for a second (and possibly a third) Final Distributor
SID in the program band.
From the Configure Nielsen Ratings button, you can display the Configure Nielsen Ratings
dialog and specify the settings for the Nielsen watermark:
March 2015
System Administrator Guide
Page 157 of 404