Text functions – Juniper Systems Allegro CX Manual User Manual
Page 161
Allegro CX Owner’s Manual 161
Returns the logical value FALSE.
If(condition, trueValue, falseValue)
Returns trueValue if condition evaluates to TRUE or falseValue if
condition evaluates to FALSE. Example: If(A1>A2, “OK”, “Cancel”).
Reverses logical value.
Example: Not(TRUE) equals FALSE.
Or(logical1, logical2, ...)
Returns TRUE if any argument is TRUE, otherwise return FALSE.
Example: Or(FALSE, TRUE) equals TRUE.
Returns the logical value TRUE.
Text Functions
Returns the character specifi ed by a number.
Example: Char(66) equals B.
Removes all nonprintable characters from a text string.
Returns a numeric code for the fi rst character in a text string.
Example: Code(“ABC”) equals 65.
Concatenate(text1, text2, ...)
Joins several text strings into one text string.
Exact(text1, text2)
Returns TRUE if two text strings are identical (case sensitive).
Example: Exact(“palm”, “PALM”) equals FALSE.
Find(fi ndText, withinText, start)
Finds string (fi ndText) within another text string (withinText), and
returns its starting position.
Example: Find(“A”, “CBA”, 1) equals 3.