Opening a ptab file – Juniper Systems Allegro CX Manual User Manual
Page 133
Allegro CX Owner’s Manual 133
Max. rows: 65536
Wildcards (*,?) in search
Auto save
Load/save TXT, CSV, DBF (dBase) fi les
New worksheet functions: Indirect, Concatenate, Fixed, Lookup,
Offset, Mirr, Type, Trim, Clean, Rank, Median, Address,
Sumproduct, Avedev, Betadist, Gammaln, Betainv, Binomdist,
Chidist, Chiinv, Confi dence, Critbinom, Expondist, FInv, FDist,
Fisher, Fisherinv, Gammainv, Hypgeomdist, Gammadist,
Lognormdist, Loginv, Negbinomdist, Normdist, Normsdist,
Norminv, Normsinv, Standardize, Poisson, TDist, Weibull,
Sumxmy2, Sumx2my2, Sumx2py2, Chitest, Correl, Covar,
Forecast, Ftest, Intercept, Pearson, Rsq, Steyx, Slope, Prob, Devsq,
Geomean, Harmean, Sumsq, Kurt, Skew, Ztest, Large, Small,
Percentile, Percentrank, Mode, True, False, Trimmean, Tinv,
MaxA, MinA, AverageA, StdevPA, VarPA, StdevA, Subtotal,
Automating tasks for…next cycle, comments
New automating tasks functions: InsertSheet, DeleteSheet,
GoalSeek, Save, Beep, ComboBox, ClearValidation, TickCount,
CellRefR, WorkbookName
Opening a PTab File
When you double-tap the PTab icon on the desktop, PTab opens and
automatically brings up a new workbook, as shown below. If you
would like to open an existing workbook, choose File | Open and
then specify the location of the fi le you wish to open.