Juniper Systems Allegro CX and CE Bluetooth CF Card User Manual
Bluetooth card installation instructions

Bluetooth Card Installation Instructions 1
Install the Bluetooth software drivers before you insert the Socket
Bluetooth card adapter into the Allegro.
The Socket Communications Bluetooth Compact Flash card adapter
adds Bluetooth capability to the Allegro Field PC. This adapter is
compatible with the Allegro CX and Allegro CE Field PC models.
Bluetooth is not supported on the Allegro CE/DOS and Allegro DOS
Field PC models.
Note: The Allegro CX can be purchased with or with out Bluetooth
built-in. An Allegro with Bluetooth built-in eliminates the need for having
to use a Bluetooth CF card adapter.
The Allegro uses specifi c drivers for the Bluetooth card. The
Bluetooth drivers that need to be installed on your Allegro depend
on the Windows operating system the Allegro is running on. You
must install the correct driver for the correct operating system.
The Allegro CD shipped with the Bluetooth card has three Bluetooth
install programs, one for each operating system an Allegro could
be using. After you fi nd the version of the operating system you are
using, you are ready to install the correct Bluetooth drivers.
Note: If you try to install the drivers to an operating system that the
drives were not designed for, you will receive a message informing that the
drivers cannot be installed. This ensures that only the correct drivers are
installed on the correct operating system.
This Bluetooth Card Installation Instructions document provides the
following procedures:
Determining Allegro Model and OS Version
Installing Bluetooth
- Installing Bluetooth to an Allegro CE using Windows CE .NET
- Installing Bluetooth to an Allegro CX without Built-In Bluetooth
- Installing Bluetooth to an Allegro CE with Windows CE 3.0
Using Bluetooth
Bluetooth File Transfer
Bluetooth Card