HP 48g Graphing Calculator User Manual

Page 417

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it’s automatically evaluated to a number—you don’t need

>NUM or

IF begins the test-clause, which leaves a test result on the stack.

THEN removes the test result from the stack. If the value is nonzero,

the true-clause is executed—otherwise, the false-clause is executed.
After the appropriate clause is executed, execution resumes following



To enter CASE...END in a program:

1. Press (PRG) B R C h C A S E to enter

CASE... riir.\...i;\D...r,.\D.

2. For each additional test-clause, move the cursor after a test-clause

END and press ¡7^ CfiSE to enter THEN...END.

The syntax for the CASE...END structure is:



H true-clausei END

test-clause^ THEN true-clause



test-clause^ THEN true-clause^ END

default-clause (optional)

This structure lets you execute a series of test-clause commands, then
execute the appropriate true-clause sequence of commands. The first
test that returns a true result causes execution of the corresponding
true-clause, ending the CASE...END structure. Optionally, you

can include after the last test a default-clause that’s executed if
all the tests evaluate to false. If a test-clause is an algebraic, it’s
automatically evaluated to a number—you don’t need ^NUM or

When CASE is executed, test-clausei is evaluated. If the test is true,
true-clausei is executed, and execution skips to END. If test-clausei is

false, execution proceeds to test-clause


. Execution within the CASE

structure continues until a true-clause is executed, or until all the
test-clauses evaluate to false. If a default clause is included and all the

test-clauses evaluate to false, the default clause executes.


Programming the HP 48 29-11

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