Setting zoom defaults, Selecting a zoom – HP 48g Graphing Calculator User Manual

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Setting Zoom Defaults

Several of the zoom operations make use of the current z o o m f a c t o r

and r e c e n t e r o p t i o n settings, which you can control.


1. Press ¿uGn ZFHL-T to open the ZOOM FFiCTORS form.





INDEP: X H-MIEW:-6.5 6,

_iUTDSCflLE M-MIEW:-3. 1 3.2

ENTER FUHCTIDH(i)i_Ta PLOT___________


2. Enter the multiplicative factors for the horizontal and vertical axes

that you want Zoom In and Zoom Out (and a few other zooms) to
use. Note that Zoom Out multiplies the scale by the factor while

Zoom In divides the scale by the factor.

3. Set the recenter option that you want zooms to use. Leaving the

FiECEHTER AT CROSSHAIRS field unchecked causes the after-zoom

display to be centered at the same point as the before-zoom display.
Putting a check-mark in the field causes the after-zoom display

to be centered around the point where the crosshairs cursor was
located when the zoom was executed.

4. Press OK


Selecting a Zoom

To perform a zoom:

1. While viewing the plot, move the cursor to the desired spot (if

necessary for the zoom you wish to use), and press ZOOM .

2. Select the zoom you want (see below for details about each).


Allows you to draw a box around

the region of interest and then zoom so that the
boxed-in region fills the display. Move the cursor to
one corner of the region before selecting this zoom.

Plotting 22-7

This manual is related to the following products: