Optional ethernet communication – Rockwell Automation 1404-M4_M5_M6_M8 Powermonitor 3000 User Manual, Firmware rev. 3.0 or LATER User Manual
Page 78
Publication 1404-UM001F-EN-P - November 2009
Chapter 4 Communication
Optional Ethernet Communication
Powermonitor 3000 units with a catalog number ending in -ENT are
equipped with an optional Ethernet 10/100BaseT communication port
and a native RS-485 port in a dual-port configuration that allows
simultaneous operation of the ports. You must configure the
communication parameters before you connect your power monitor
to an Ethernet network. See your network administrator for assistance
in setting the communication options.
Configuration parameters include the following:
IP (Internet Protocol) address
Subnet Mask
Gateway IP address
The IP Address uniquely identifies your Powermonitor 3000 unit on
the network. You configure the unit’s IP address the way it is most
commonly expressed, as four decimal numbers connected by decimal
points: aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd. You may set each number (also called byte
or octet) within the range of 0…255 decimal. The default IP address is
192.168.254x, where x is the factory-assigned Unit ID number. An IP
address of is not permitted.
The IP address is a 32-bit binary number, which consists of the
network address (NetID) and the machine address (HostID). The
Subnet Mask defines the boundary between the NetID and HostID in
the IP address. Each 1 bit in the subnet mask represents the NetID and
each 0 represents the HostID. Here is an example.
The IP address for your power monitor must not conflict with the IP
address of any other device on the network. Contact your network
administrator to obtain a unique IP address for your unit.
IP Address
Net ID
-Host ID-