Configuring oscillography – Rockwell Automation 1404-M4_M5_M6_M8 Powermonitor 3000 User Manual, Firmware rev. 3.0 or LATER User Manual

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Publication 1404-UM001F-EN-P - November 2009

Chapter 8 Advanced Features

Configuring Oscillography

You may configure oscillography only via communication. The
display module does not support an interface to oscillography.
Configure oscillography by performing a table write to the

Oscillograph Configuration/Read-back Data Select

. This read/write

table of 11 integer elements comprises the following configuration
and command parameters.

Password: needed to configure the capture type or pre-trigger,
or execute a command to trigger or clear a capture. Not needed
for read-back select, use -1. Default 0000.

Capture number: selects a capture for read-back or returns the
last capture selected. Range 1…8 (M6) or 1…2 (M8). Default 1.

Channel number: selects a channel number or returns the last
channel number selected. Range: 1 = V1, 2 = I1, 3 = V2, 4 = I2, 5
= V3, 6 = I3, 7 = I4. Default 1.

Block number: selects a data block for the next read or returns
the last block selected. Range depends on communication type.
See below. Default 1.

Read-back mode: selects a read-back mode or returns the last
mode selected. Range 0…2, default 0. See below.

Clear / trigger command: clears one or all captures or triggers a
new capture. Always returns 0. In the M8 model, values of 3…8
have same meaning as 0. These are the options:

0 - no action
1 - clear capture 1
2 - clear capture 2
3 - clear capture 3 (M6 only)
4 - clear capture 4 (M6 only)
5 - clear capture 5 (M6 only)
6 - clear capture 6 (M6 only)
7 - clear capture 7 (M6 only)
8 - clear capture 8 (M6 only)
9 - clear all captures
10 - initiate a new capture

Capture type: selects sample rate and data resolution or indicates
selected sample rate and resolution. Range -1…5, default 0. -1
disables oscillography.

See the Capture Type Properties table on

page 161


Pre-trigger: specifies how much of the captured waveform
occurred before the triggering event. Range 0…100 per cent,
default 90%.

Reserved: must be zero (0) on a write, returns 0.