No control operation, Communication loss behavior – Rockwell Automation 1404-M4_M5_M6_M8 Powermonitor 3000 User Manual, Firmware rev. 3.0 or LATER User Manual
Page 140

Publication 1404-UM001F-EN-P - November 2009
Chapter 6 I/O Operations
No Control Operation
You may also select no output control by selecting a value of zero (0)
for the Control source parameter. This mode enables only output
Communication Loss Behavior
The Default output state on communication loss defines the behavior
of the output if the power monitor experiences a loss of
communication. What constitutes a communication loss depends on
the protocol. A remote I/O unit declares a communication loss if it has
detected more than 100 ms between valid frames or more than 255
consecutive valid frames not addressed to it. A DeviceNet unit
declares a communication loss when the network master (scanner)
has not polled it within the Expected Packet Rate that you configured
when setting up the I/O connection.
You may select one of the following behaviors for each output.
Last-state / resume: holds the output in its last state during a
communication loss and resume the output control when
communication recovers.
Last-state / freeze: holds the output in its last state during a
communication loss and freezes the output in this state when
communication recovers. You may clear the freeze by placing
the logic controller into Program mode, changing the behavior
to last state / resume, or cycling power to the power monitor.
De-energize / resume: de-energizes the output during
communication loss and resume output control when
communication recovers.
De-energize / freeze: de-energizes the output during
communication loss and freezes the output de-energized when
communication recovers. You may clear the freeze by placing
the logic controller into Program mode, changing the behavior
to last state / resume, or cycling power to the power monitor.
The relay output contacts and solid-state KYZ output contacts on the
power monitor may be used to control other devices through setpoint
control or communication. You configure the response of these
outputs to a communication failure. Be sure to evaluate the safety
impact of the output configuration on your plant or process.