Project settings tab, Informational and render directory settings, Resolution and codec settings – Apple Color 1.0 User Manual

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Chapter 5


Project Settings Tab

The options in the Project Settings tab are individually saved on a per-project basis.
They let you store additional information about that project, adjust how the project is
displayed, and how the shots in that project will be rendered.

Informational and Render Directory Settings

These settings provide information about Color and about your project and let you set
up what directory media generated by that project is written into.

 Project Name: The name of the project. This defaults to the name of the project file

on disk, but you can change this to anything you like. Changing the project name
does not change the name of the project file.

 Render Directory: The render directory is the default directory path where media files

rendered for this project are stored. For more information about rendering Color
projects, see Chapter 17, “

Render Queue

,” on page 321.

 Project Render Directory button: Clicking this button lets you select a new project

render directory using the Choose Project Render Directory dialog.

 Colorist: This field lets you store the name of the colorist currently working on the

project. This information is useful for identifying who is working on what in multi-
suite post-production facilities, or when moving a project file from one facility to

 Client: This field lets you store the name of the client whose project this is.

Resolution and Codec Settings

These settings let you set up the display and render properties of your project. These
settings affect how your program is rendered for display purposes, and when rendering
the final output.

 Display LUT: A display LUT (Look Up Table) is a file containing color adjustment

information that’s typically used to modify the monitored image that’s displayed on
the preview and broadcast displays. LUTs can be generated to calibrate your display
using hardware probes, and they also let you match your display to other
characterized imaging mediums, including digital projection systems and film
printing workflows. If you’ve loaded a display LUT as part of a color management
workflow, this field lets you see which LUT file is being used. For more information on
LUT management, see Chapter 6, “


,” on page 111.

 Frame Rate: This field displays the frame rate that the project is set to. Your project’s

frame rate is set when the project is created, and it can be changed by a pop-up
menu so long as no shots appear in the Timeline. Once one or more shots have been
added to the Timeline, the project’s frame rate cannot be changed.

 Resolution Presets pop-up menu: This menu lists all of the project resolutions that

Color supports, including PAL and NTSC standard definition, high definition, and 2K
frame sizes. The options that are available in this menu are sometimes limited by the
currently selected QuickTime Export Codec.