Apple Color 1.0 User Manual

Page 355

background image



March 26, 2007

color wheels 63
directory navigation 67
display 67
file 68
in browsers and bins 67
scroll wheel 62
shortcut menus 62
text fields 61
timecode fields 62
using the mouse 61
virtual sliders 61

Control surfaces

and color balance controls 182
and contrast sliders 167
configuring sensitivity 351
settings 103
setting up 60, 339–351


Cineon to QuickTime 88
DPX to QuickTime 88

Copy buttons 272

grades 273
Pan & Scan settings 298

Copying corrections to shots 272–273
Correction bin

updating contents 69

Correction bins 66

applying to shots 268
copying in the Timeline 270
copying to groups 281
defined 264
deleting 266
how they are different from grades 263
keyframing 286
managing 263–283
moving to other computers 70
organizing into folders 267
reorganixing in the Finder 268
reorganizing in the Finder 69
saving and using 264
saving into any bin 264
versus grades 67
where they are saved 68

CP100 344

configuring 344
controls 345

CP200 346

configuring 347
controls 348
knob panel 350
trackerball 348
transport panel 349

Create a new project 72

Creating effects 242
Crushing blacks 170
Current shot 93, 126
Curve node 251

adding control points 192
adjusting color with 197
adjusting contrast with 193
controls 189
editing control points and B-Splines 191
how they affect images 190
luma example 195
removing control points 193
secondary 229


the Shots browser 95

Cut list 19



telecining 45, 54

Darken node 250
Datacine 17

transfer from negative to DPX 55

Deinterlace 133
Deinterlace node 257
Deinterlace renders 99

about 99


corrections and grades 266
keyframes 289
nodes 238

Difference node 245, 250
Digital duplicates 50
Digital intermediate 49
Digital intermediates

parsing EDLs 56
telecined offline/online workflow 53

Digital intermediate workflow 22, 49
Directory navigation controls 67

grades 274

Display controls 67
Display LUT 98
Display modes 70
DPX image sequences 51, 87

converting to QuickTime 51

DPX sequences

converting to QuickTime 88

Drawing shapes 300
Dual display mode 111
Dual monitors 70
Duotone node 252