Apple Color 1.0 User Manual
Page 258

Chapter 11
Color FX
This must be the last node in any node tree. It outputs the effect created within the
Color FX room to the main Color image processing pipeline for rendering. If an Output
node is not connected to the node tree, that effect will not be rendered by the Render
RGB Split
Outputs the red, green, and blue color channels individually, depending on which
button you click. Each grayscale color channel can then be independently manipulated
with different node tree branches, before being reassembled using the RGB Merge
node. This node has three buttons:
 Red: Outputs the red channel.
 Green: Outputs the green channel.
 Blue: Outputs the blue channel.
Creates a simple square or circle vignette. This vignette appears as a color against
grayscale preview if the Vignette node is viewed directly. When the results are viewed
“downstream,” by viewing a different node that’s processing its output, the true
grayscale image is seen. This node has nine parameters:
 Use Tracker: If you’ve analyzed one or more motion trackers in the current project,
you can specify which tracker, by number, to use to automatically animate the
position of the vignette. To disassociate a vignette from the tracker’s influence, set
this value to 0.
 Type field: Lets you choose what shape to use for the vignette. 1 is a circle, 2 is a
 Invert: Click this button to make the white area black, and the black area white.
 X Center: Adjusts the horizontal position of the shape.
 Y Center: Adjusts the vertical position of the shape.
 Size: Enlarges or shrinks the shape.
 Aspect: Adjusts the width-to-height ratio of the shape.
 Angle: Rotates the current shape. There is no onscreen control for this parameter.
 Softness: Blurs the edges of the shape.