Apple Color 1.0 User Manual
Page 275

Chapter 13
Managing Corrections and Grades
You can also use the icon view as an organizational tool to rearrange the shots in your
program into groups based not on their position in the program, but on the angle of
coverage they’re from or the type of grade you’ll be applying, to give but two
examples. For more information, see “
Selecting Shots and Navigating in the Shots Browser in Icon View
When in icon view, you can select one or more shots in the Timeline just as you can
when in list view. Additionally, you can select which grade a shot uses by expanding a
shot to reveal all its grades.
To change the current shot in icon view:
Click the arrow to the right of a shot’s name bar.
The current shot’s name bar appears gray, and the playhead moves to that shot’s first
frame in the Timeline.
To select a shot:
Click the shot’s name bar, underneath its icon.
Selected shots appear with a cyan highlight over their name bars, and are
simultaneously selected in the Timeline.
To select multiple shots:
Command-click the name bars of all the shots you want to select.
When you’re working on a project with many shots, it can help to zoom out and scroll
around to find the shots you’re looking for.