Saving and loading favorite shapes, Drawing shapes – Apple Color 1.0 User Manual

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Chapter 15


 B-spline/polygon buttons: Toggles the currently selected shape between B-spline

mode, which allows for curved shapes, and polygon mode, in which shapes only
have angled corners.

 Main/Inner/Outer buttons: These buttons let you choose which points you want to

select when dragging a selection box in the Image Preview, without locking any of
the other control points. You can always edit any control point, no matter what this
control is set to.

The Shapes List

The Shapes List contains an entry for every unattached shape in the current project, as
well as for all of the attached shapes used by the shot at the current position of the
playhead. Clicking a shape in this list displays it in the Image Preview area and updates
all of the parameters in the Shapes tab with the selected shape’s settings.

 Name column: The name of the shape, editable in the Shape Name field.
 ID column: An identification number for the shape. ID numbers start at 0 for the first

shape and are incremented by one every time you create a new shape.

 Grade column: When a shape is attached, this column shows the grade to which it’s

been attached.

 Sec column: When a shape is attached, this column shows which of the eight

secondary tabs the shape has been attached to.

Drawing Shapes

Drawing and editing shapes works in much the same way as other compositing
applications. Color uses B-splines to draw curved shapes, which are fast to draw and
edit. These splines work similarly to those used in the curves in the Primary and
Secondaries rooms.

Saving and Loading Favorite Shapes

You can create a collection of custom shapes to use in other projects by using the
Save and Load buttons. When you select an unattached shape in the shapes list and
click Save, it’s saved to the following directory:

/Users/username/Library/Application Support/Color/BShapes/

Click Load to load all the shapes that are saved within this directory into the shapes
list of the current shot. Once you decide which shape you want to use, you can
remove the others.