Apple Color 1.0 User Manual
Page 358

March 26, 2007
deleting 289
interpolation 290–291
navigating 288
in Color FX 287
in different rooms 286
in the Timeline 288
pan and scan effects 287
shortcuts 336
user shapes 287
Layering nodes 243
Lift node 255
Lighten node 250
Limit shadow adjustments 169, 185
Linear keyframe interpolation 290
List view 65, 67
exporting as self-contained QuickTime files 75
Lock icon 122
Locking tracks 125
Look up tables (see LUTs) 115
Looping playback 104, 128
Luma 30
Luma (in Histogram scope) 156
Luma scope 150
Lum Curve tab 234
Luminance 30
LUT 98
LUTs 115–120
clearing 120
creating in the Color application 119
described 116
generating 118
using 119
when to use them 118
where they are saved 119
Maintain Framerate 128
Managing corrections and grades 263–283
Managing projects 71–89
Manual tracking 310
Master contrast controls 204
Math layering nodes 245
Matte Preview mode 220
Maximum node 255
MCS-3000 342
MCS-Spectrum 343
gathering 328
importing and managing 71–89
importing into Color 23
importing into Timeline 83
notching 48
reconforming 45
relinking QuickTime 82
Memory banks 273
Merging edits 138
Messages tab 102
adjusting 171
color adjustment 186
Minimum node 255
Monitoring 111–120
and bit depth 113
broadcast video output 113
Still Store 120
turning video output on and off 113
calibrating 329–332
calibrating regularly 115
choosing 114
using single or dual 70
Monochrome scopes 105
Motion tracking 307–313
Movie mode 127
Moving shots in the Timeline 134
Multi-input nodes 237
Multiply node 245, 250
adding 238
adjusting parameters 239
bypassing 241
connecting 238–239
creating 238–239
deleting 238
disconnecting 239
inputs and outputs 237
layering 243
math layering 245
multi-input 237, 243
rearranging 239
single input 242
Node trees