Apple Color 1.0 User Manual

Page 361

background image



March 26, 2007

Roll tool 135

about 35
Geometry 293

Rotating shots 296
Round trip 47
Ruler 122

units 123


Sampling color (in 3D Color Space scope) 161
Sat Curve tab 233
Saturation 32, 165

controls 201

Saturation node 255
Saved effects

applying 249


archives 72
automatically 73
corrections and grades 264
grades and corrections 68
projects 72
shapes favorites 300

Scale RGB node 256
Scene-to-scene color correction 14

accuracy of 143
available types 141
options 144

Scopes window 111
Scrolling in the Timeline 129
Scroll wheel 62
Secondaries room 209–234

why it is used 209

Secondary colors 32
Secondary curves 229
Secondary keys

and vignettes 228
checking during playback 219
creating 213

Secondary room 36

Reset controls 234

Selected shots 93
Selecting shots 130
Select tool 134
Send to Color command 76
Send to Final Cut Pro command 78
Service and Support 11

auto save 109
Broadcast Safe 100
codec 98
for control surfaces 103
for projects 98

for shots 132
geometry 294
playback 106
processing 106
rendering 102
resolution 98
user interface 104

Setup 91–109

Color Setup Guide 10

Set up control surfaces 339–351
Setup room 36, 91

file browser 64, 91
grades bin 66
shots browser 92

Shadow adjustments 168–170

color adjustments of 184

Shadow slider 168

B-Splines and angled polygons 303


adding control points 305
adjusting 302
animating with keyframes and trackers 305
drawing 300
feathering edges 304
repositioning 302
resizing 302
saving and loading favorites 300

Shapes List 300
Shapes tab 298

controls 299

Sharpen node 256
Shortcut menus 62

editing 335
geometry 336
grade 335
keyframing 336
playback and navigation 334
project 333
Render Queue 337
rooms and windows 334
Shots browser 336
Still Store 337
Timeline 335

Shot mode 127

adding grades to 131
adding notes to 95
adding to an existing group 279
applying saved corrections and grades 268
copying corrections 272–273
customizing display in the Timeline 124
deleting 134
deselecting all 130