When is a color cast a creative look – Apple Color 1.0 User Manual
Page 182

Chapter 9
Primary In
There are three color balance controls in the Primary In, Secondaries, and Primary Out
rooms. Each one lets you make adjustments to specific tonal regions of the image.
Using Color Balance Controls with a Control Surface
The three color balance controls correspond to the three trackballs, or joyballs, on
compatible control surfaces. Whereas you can only adjust one color balance control at
a time using the onscreen controls with a mouse, you can adjust all three color balance
controls simultaneously using a hardware control surface.
When using a control surface, the Hue Wheel Angle and Joyball Sensitivity parameters
in the User Prefs tab of the Setup room let you customize the operation of these
controls. For more information on adjusting these parameters, see “
When Is a Color Cast a Creative Look?
It’s important to bear in mind that color casts aren’t always bad things. In particular, if
the Director of Photography is being creative with the lighting, there may in fact be
color casts throughout the tonal range of the image. It’s important to distinguish
between color casts that are there either accidentally or because of conditions of the
shoot and the stylistic choices made when lighting each scene. In all cases, clear
communication between the Director of Photography and the colorist is essential.