The grades bin, Correction bins – Apple Color 1.0 User Manual

Page 66

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Chapter 3

Using the Color Interface

In list view, you can sort all of the shots using different info fields. For more information
on using the Shots browser, see “

The Shots Browser

” on page 92.

The Grades Bin

The Grades bin, in the Setup room, lets you save and organize grades combining
primary, secondary, and Color FX corrections into a single unit.

You can use this bin to apply saved grades to other shots in the Timeline. The contents
of the Grades bin are available to all Color projects opened while logged into that user
account. For more information on saving and applying grades, see “

Saving Grades into

the Grades Bin

” on page 265.

Correction Bins

The Primary, Secondaries, and Color FX rooms all allow you to save the corrections
made inside those rooms as individual presets that you can apply to later shots. The
contents of corrections bins are available to all Color projects opened while logged into
that user account.

 Primary In and Out: Lets you save and organize primary corrections. The Primary In

and Primary Out rooms both share the same group of saved corrections.

 Secondaries: Lets you save and organize secondary corrections.
 Color FX: Lets you save and organize Color FX corrections.