Apple Color 1.0 User Manual
Page 107

Chapter 5
If Force RGB is turned on, super-white and out-of-gamut chroma values
will not be displayed by your broadcast display, nor will they appear on external
video scopes analyzing your broadcast video interface’s output. This limitation only
affects monitoring; the internal image processing performed by Color retains this
As a result, you will always see super-white image data on the Color software scopes
when it’s present, and uncorrected super-white and out-of-gamut chroma levels are
always preserved when you export your final media.
If Broadcast Safe is turned on in the Project Settings, you may not notice any
difference in the display of these “illegal” levels, since they’re being limited by Color.
 Disable Vid-Out During Playback: Turing this option on disables video output via your
broadcast interface during playback. While paused, the frame at the position of the
playhead is still output to video. This is useful if your project is so effects-intensive
that video playback is too slow to be useful. With this option turned on, you can
make adjustments and monitor the image while paused, and then get a look at the
program in motion via the preview display, which usually plays faster.
 Update UI During Playback: Turning this option on enables selected windows of the
Color interface to update dynamically as the project plays back. This updates the
controls and scopes during playback from grade to grade, but potentially slows
playback performance, so it’s off by default. There are two options:
 Update Primary Display: Updates the main interface controls in the Primary,
Secondaries, Color FX, Primary Out, and Geometry rooms. Turning this option on
lets you see how the controls change from grade to grade and how they animate if
you have keyframed grades.
 Update Secondary Display: Updates the Scopes window. This is the way to get
updated video scopes during playback. With this option turned off, the video
preview still plays, but the video scopes disappear.
 Radial HSL Interpolation: This setting affects how keyframed color adjustments are
interpolated from one hue to another.
 With this setting turned off (the default state), keyframed changes in hue are
animated linearly, directly from one point on the color wheel to another. This
results in the most direct animated adjustments and minimizes unwanted color
cycling. This is the method that the DaVinci and Pogle use to animate color