Apple Color 1.0 User Manual

Page 359

background image



March 26, 2007

Node types

Add 245, 249
Alpha Blend 250
B&W 251
Bleach Bypass 251
Blend 250
Blur 251
Clamp 251
Color 257
Curve 251
Darken 250
Deinterlace 257
Difference 245, 250
Duotone 252
Edge Detector 252
Exposure 252
Film Grain 252
Film Look 253
Gain 253
Gamma 253
Grain Reduction 254
HSL Key 257
Hue 254
Interlace 250
Invert 254
Lift 255
Lighten 250
Maximum 255
Minimum 255
Multiply 245, 250
Output 258
Printer Lights 255
RGB Merge 251
RGB Split 258
Saturation 255
Scale RGB 256
Sharpen 256
Smooth Step 256
Stretch 256
Translate 257
Vignette 258

Node view 236
Noodles 236
Notching media 48

adding to shots 95
removing from a shot 96

NTSC format

color bar standards 329


Offline resolution 40
Offset 101
Online resolution 41


archives 73
projects 72

Optical color timing 19

compatible codecs 86
final video master 43

Output node 258

for nodes 237

Overlay scope 149


PAL format

color bar standards 329

Pan & Scan

parameters 297

Pan & Scan settings

copying and resetting 298

Pan & Scan tab 294

working in 295

Parade scope 146–148

in Pan & Scan tab 297


grades 273

Phase 101

in the Timeline 126
looping 104, 128
modes 127
setting duration 128
settings 106
starting and stopping 126

Playback shortcuts 334
Playhead 122

moving frame to frame 129
moving from shot to shot 129

Play program 126
PLUGE bars 330
Pointer 134
Preedited program masters 48

still images and effects 42

Preview display 112

using as evaluation monitor 112


deinterlacing 99
full and quarter screen 112

Previews tab 219
Primary colors 32
Primary In

color balance 165
contrast 165
described 163