Apple Color 1.0 User Manual
Page 362

March 26, 2007
directory 74
grouping and ungrouping 277
how to render 324
removing from groups 279
removing notes 96
repositioning 297
repositioning in Timeline 134
resizing in Pan & Scan tab 296
revealing after finding 94
rotating 296
searching for 93
selected 93
selecting contiguous 130
selecting current 126
selecting in the Shots browser 96, 275
selecting in the Timeline 129
settings 132
splicing 138
splitting 137
column headings 94
customizing 95
managing grades 274
navigating the Timeline with 96
shortcuts 336
sorting in 95
zooming 276
Showing Timeline tracks 125
Single display mode 111
Skin tones 14
Slip edit 137
Slip tool 136
Smooth interpolation 290
Smooth Step node 256
Snapping 139
Source media
Speed effects
Splice tool 137
Splicing shots 138
Split screens 37
Splitting shots 137
Split tool 137
Still image files
controls 319
customizing the view 318
monitoring 120
recalling images from 318
removing images from 317
saving images in 315
shortcuts 337
using subdirectories to organize 317
StillStore directory 74
Still Store room 37
Stretch node 256
Super-white levels 30
Swatches 218
Symmetric adjustments of Range handles 217
Tangent Devices control surfaces 339
Tape-based workflow 40
Tapeless digital workflow 43
Tape-to-tape color correction 18, 20
Telecine 17
Text fields 61
Third-Party codecs 85
TIFF files 87
Timecode fields 62
Timeline 121–139
changing ruler units 123
copying corrections and grades 270
customizing shots display 124
customizing the interface 123
grades track 122
importing media into 83
interface elements 122
keyframe graph 123
keyframing in 288
Lock icon 122
navigating with the Shots browser 96
navigation in 128
playback 126
render bar 122
repositioning shots 134
resetting grades 270
ruler 122
scrolling 129
selecting shots in 129
setting a beauty grade 274
shortcuts 335
tracker area 123
track resize handles 122
using to manage grades 269
video tracks 122